Konfirmasjons kort
Konfirmasjons tid og da blir det endel konfirmasjons kort.
Kommer flere men sliter med bilderedigerings verktøyet. :(
Her i rosa, stempel fra Penny Black, Colorbox pigment ink, Ranger Holografisk embossingpulver. Diverse blomster fra bla, KortogGodt, Storyteller, Prima mfl. Bling Storyteller. Bånd og ribbonslider ukjent.
I just became your latest follower, Merethe. Thanks so much for adding me as a Friend on The Outlawz. I love the bright colors on this card and your flowers are gorgeous! :-D
SvarSlettMay I suggest that you turn off the Word Verification on your blog? You'll get a lot more comments if yo do that. If you're worried about spam comments, you can use the "Moderate" tool instead and that way you can control what comments show up on your blog by only allowing those you want and deleting all the rest before they actually post to your blog. Thanks.
Thanks for the tips. :)